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The College of Precision Mechanics and Optics (The technological University) St.Petersburg College of Precision Mechanics and Optics was founded in 1930. Its formation was brought about by the growing needs of the country for qualified specialists in instrument-making. Today, the College has over 5000 students, about 30 academic departments and approximately 500 teaching staff. It provides full-time and part-time courses. Well-Known scholars deliver lectures to students, hold practical classes and seminars. The main College Building is in Sablinskaya Street. It is used by various departments (as well as by College administration), Computing Laboratory, well-stocked library, etc. The library contains about 1 mln volumes - and has setting for over 100 readers. There one can get journals, magazines, dictionaries and books. Students come to the library to read periodicals, prepare papers and read for exams. The Computing Laboratory is a separate department of the College, set up to provide a full computing service to all staff and students. The main Building also contains the Dean's Offices, Assembly Hall, lecture-theatres and well-equipped laboratories. The latter provide necessary equipment for making experiments and doing laboratory work. Here the members of the Students Scientific Society do research. They get both deep theoretical knowledge and practical experience under the supervision of professors, associate-professors, lectures and tutors. There are 8 faculties at college: 1. The Faculty of Precision Mechanics and Technology. 2. The Faculty of Optics. 3. Faculty of physical Engineering. 4. Faculty of Management and Economics. 5. Faculty of Sciences. 6. Faculty of Computing Technology and Management. 7. Faculty of Information Technology and Programming. 8. Faculty of Evening and Extramural Courses. To join any of these Faculties applicants have to take several exams. Usually these are entrance exams in Physics, Mathematics and an essay. Those who made up their minds to study management are to take an exam in English, German or French. Matriculation takes place in August, and studies at all faculties begin mainly in September. The Faculty of Precision Mechanics and Technology trains students in Electronics, Engineering Science, Computing, Automatics, Telemechanics and others. The Faculty of Optics is the oldest in the College and the largest one of its kind in the country. Future researchers and in Instrument-making study here. The Faculty of Physical Engineering is well-known for its outstanding scientists in thermo physics and quantum electronics. They cooperate with firms in Britain and Switzerland’s. The Faculty of Management and Economics and the Faculty of Information Technology and Programming are famous for their academic excellence. At present, students from these faculties win the first places in international computer competitions. The faculty of Evening and Extramural Courses was established in 1971. Students of evening and extramural departments can get education without leaving their jobs. These students can successfully combine theoretical studies with practical work from the very beginning. But in spite of a chosen faculty all students should remember that knowledge is essential for them to find their way in the changing world. Higher education will form a basis for their future occupation.
Категория: Английский | Добавил: dmitriy (2006-01-30) | Автор: Дмитрий
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